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My name is Ann McClow and I am a super exec at Catalina marketing. Weel wait, I think i am and i really showed my husband, the other day I told him to answer the door. i had him served divorce papers hahahaha I live on Madeira beach, FL 33708 and I completely made

My husband look like a monster and sent him packing. He told me his l

Loved me and I said your a looser dude. I got this promotion at work and began looking at him like he is worthlerss but hey its all good.

Isn't that cool. He tried to tell me I needed to take my own advice like he did and go see a dr for my anger and temper but I showed him, I through away our 18 year marriage and destroyed our family and two teenage kids because I am the boss and I wear the pants. I am so cool I let mother in law know she is a c u next Tuesday

He would text me "hey sweetheart, im just having a smoke and wasn't thinking of you. How's your day." I would send a note back saying "you're an effin looser!"

Isn't that sweet.

We both had some pain issues for a few years but he had a horrible motorcycle accident and broke his hip, pelvis, ankle, cheek bone, fractured skull, broke neck and discs but I would call him an addict for needing help. He then stopped taking them and lived in total pain because I left him after meeting an old friend on face book. I would sneak calls and emails to him while lying in bed. My husband would go to bathroom in middle of night and I would quickly call or email my affair from face book. Then one night after my husband keep begging me to tell him why I was so distracted lately I got out of bed and left him and the kids. I literally didn't contact him or the kids in two months because I was so excited to be taking to this other man Dan palmer from Boston.

How dare my husband get mad at me for telling him I had to be at work at 6am and then sit on the corner and talk to Dan for 2 hours before work?

Unfortunately he busted me when the cell bill came tot he house. I was lying all along and I wouldn't take my husbands calls. He couldn't afford to run the house or feed the kids all by himself but I told him to screw and he fed himself and the kids ends of bread with butter for dinner. Then after two months I got the kids. Left him penniless and on his face and refused to even take his calls because I was sending all his emails to me to this guy I hooked up with on face book

Then get this. He found out who it was and called him. And the guy said to him, you're a looser and you treat your wife like crap. You're a looser he told my husband. Then my husband tried to get back on track and he found out I was going to Boston. I lied and told him I wasn't going but then I went, three times. But of course I never told him I met the guy while in Boston. See I have verbally beat and physically punched my husband in the face numerous times so he knows who the boss is, Then after 9 months We met at the beach and my husband came back to live with me and the kids. I had told him I wasn't speaking tot he guy any more and my husband loved me so much he didn't care he wanted me back but I was lying and one day he logged into tmobile and found out I was still speaking to him. So I began making his life horrible and calling him and his mom a looser and a c u n t because I am a senior corporate executive and I wear the pants. He literally had tears in his eyes so I called him a looser.

Then we booked a trip together with the kids to go to Boston together a family just last month, Well 4 days before we were to leave I told my husband he was no liked an d not wanted in the home we were staying. I called him a looser and told him to eff off and I hope he was gone when I got back He cried, what a looser huh, he actually said how I dare take his trip with his kids away from him. What a nerve he had telling me what to do huh. I run the show he doesn't get that. So then he didn't go and after 9 days he called and asked why I hadn't touched base? Guess what I told him? I told him I was to busy. He got mad and said what, you're too busy to call your husband to check in after 18 years of marriage? How dare him question me I am the executive and he is a looser don't forget all he does is tell me he loves me and is so kind and I don't like kind.

So then the night before we left he was saying how you could take this family vacation without me. So my daughter and I started laughing at him calling him an effin looser. Saying waaah look at you being upset because you can't go on the trip because I told you no one wanted you. He tossed a pillow. He isn't very violent. So get this, it was great, my 16 year old daughter and his daughter stood up and started punching him in the face yeah, she was swinging punch after punch. So he pushed her away of course not hitting her because he doesn't hit woman or anyone and I tried to call police on him.

Yeah, I was going to call police on him to make him get arrested because he was being hit by our child. Imagine, I am good huh. So get this and boy did this piss Ann McClow off. My daughter ran outside after slamming him in the face about 15 times and called police. Well she was trying to finish off the pizza night with an arrest. But unfortunately they arrested our daughter. How dare them, he pushed her back because she was punching him closed fist in the face over 15 times breaking his glasses and all he did was push her backwards and they arrested her.

So I was pissed. I called my husband every name in book. How dare they take her for hitting her father? I mean just last week she was taken in an ambulance for overdosing on ecstasy.

Then my husband had a nerve to tell the 5 police officers that came that they argument started because he was showing his displeasure and hurt that they laughed about telling the man who paid for the vacation that he couldn't go.

I mean really, how dare him not let our daughter punch him the face. How dare he be mad I took his two Italian greyhound dogs and sent them off to be adopted while he was away and I wasn't even living there? How dare he get upset that I am calling him a looser every day how dare he get upset and text me because I refused to take his call after two weeks being on his vacation I took away from him?

My name is Ann Alicata Mcclow. I am the definition of "im the boss in my house" and I have made sure I told everyone he is a looser drug addict when he really isn't.

So again, if you want a real woman, since I texted him today and told him I am sitting with my lawyer and divorcing him because he doesn't like being called names and hit I am free for the taking. Again, I am Ann McClow, Catalina Marketing. 727-504-5811. I am really hot. He super loved me and I effin made his life a living hell.

P.S. the end point was he was trying to make me see a dr about taking zoloft or some mood stabilizer for my temper. I told him everyone likes me at work. I lied at work and told them I graduated high school and went to college. But I dropped out of high school so screw them I am the number three executive assistant and I am a drop out! But shhhhh, they don't know. Oh and like I told my husband in bed last night when he tried to put his arm around me and I flipped out and jumped up, EVERYONE loves me. Oh did I tell you I will not put down my blackberry. I sleep with it in my panties so he won't see it or question the people I am talking to