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<< Ungdomshuset

Deutsche version:



MARCH 3[edit]

Searches in Nørrebro


The organization Oproer has suspended its annual meeting in order to participate in the afternoon's demonstration in support of the Ungdomshus. The meeting at 3F "Lager Post and Services" meeting rooms stop so that the participants can take part in the demonstration at the City hall square in Copenhagen at 15.00. That is what we do because we support the idea about several havens and free-spaces, Jens Helleberg says.


demonstration in Copenhagen today 15:00 at the City hall square arranged by "Borgergruppen for Ungdomshuset". The demonstration is reported and there is possibility to participate in shared departure as early as at 14:00 o'clock from Enghave-place and Christiania. On Rådhusepladsen there will be speeches, music and party, after which the demonstration will go in parade against Midsummer Day-square. Here there will be soup, coffee and cake.


The backing for the Youth centre grows. The umbrella organisation "Borgergruppen for Ungdomshuset" experiences that a rising number of citizens shows up in order to support up about undergrunden=:the drilling rights an autonomous youth centre in Copenhagen: "There are going to be new signees to vor's network every single day. That is transferred in a soft current, also the latest pairs of day", spokesman Esben Olsen says to He estimate that today is connected 670 the individuals citizen group.


The law-group, Anarchist Black Cross (ABC), informs that they have established a new information telephone. The group encourages people who know of arrested or injured activists to ring at tel. 26 56 31 06.


A neighbour for the collective Bumzen in Balder's informs for Modkraft that the police have arrested 42 mennekses at the address. The Rensagning is on in these minutes. During the action the police have used tear gas, the a good beating doors and windows. The police do not wish to comment on the extensive arrest actions here till morning, but according to's information have six-to eight places willed be reindeer-cased and writes that in all between 80-90 people are under arrest under the rensagnings. The police also inform to that they check managing to arrest and show so many foreigners as possible. It's still uncertain what the many arrested will be on a charge of.


Parts of the group of ABC that works with help to jailed activists, have been arrested in connection with the police's actions. The group's cardboard Irishes and telephone have been seized.


According to sources the police have made been at the Free Gymnasium, in the Solidaritet-house in Griffenfeldsgade, in Folkets Hus in Folkets Park and in the collective Bumzen in Baldersgade.

The same springs inform that the police are now work from both it Fri Gymnasium and Folkets Hus. In the Solidaritet-house that both accommodates a shop and several different societies, there are made arrests.


It's rumoured that the police are making searches a number places in Copenhagen. The police are seen at among other things Folkets Hus and the Free Gymnasium.

MARCH 2[edit]

Spread fights in Nørrebro

04:10 resigns the minute-to-minute covering of today. There are still spread-out fights, the stench of burnt containers is glued to the bridge quarters and inner city. There are burnt cars in many streets and the police still can't get the activists off the streets. They turn up, build barricades and run away, when the police come. Or throw stones, Molotov cocktails and bottles at the police cars. Modkraft resumes the covering of the events about the clearing of the Ungdomshuset later today, on Saturday March 3..


Sources inform to Modkraft that there has been fights with police on Nørrebros Runddel, but that the activists have been pressed away.


Police officers :seem frustred, Modkraft's reporter says. The situation resembles a repetition the yesterday's scenario, where the police do not clear burning barricades, but can manage to remove activists from the street. The police officers' frustration finds expression in calls for activists like "now Go home, for hell". It has been a success to keep the demonstrators away off the Youth centre, but it isn't a success to manage to remove them.


The police's strategy is apparently to put under stress the many present activists in the streets by driving sirens after them on. The police move in their cars in groups on two or more cars together. They try to get people to move away from pavements by hitting them fast. Near Blågårdsgade and Nørrebrogade young people must hold against the wall, when a police transit in high speed comes close to. The strategy has apparently meant that the activists are spread-out in Nørrebro, but far from away.


Activists meet different places at Nørrebrogade, and there is built barricades, they set on fire. There are smaller columns of police cars everywhere that circulate. Three so-called Dutchman-cars have just run down Blågårdsgade, where there still burn fires migt on the street.


The police's spokesman, Flemming Steen Munch, says to Politiken that the police attacked, because the demonstration management had "given up", after demonstrators had dug paving stones up among other things.

"When the demonstration management gave up, we read out the opløbs-form (message to spread out) gave people message on going away, after which we fired tear gas"" consequently Flemming Steen Munch says Flemming Steen Munch. That cannot be confirmed by some of Modkraft's reprots or eye witnesses. Eight presently, Modkraft has talked with, says agreeingly that the police attacked immediately after the dissolution of the demonstration - and that nobody got chance of getting away.


A person was hurt by a drop-gas bullet, it's rumoured from TV2/News.


There are put on the lights fire to containers and the like more places, among other things Nørrebrogade, Blågårdsgade, Sjællandsgade and Møllegade. The street lights have just been interrupted along Nørrebrogade. There are smaller groups of demonstrators over the whole. Some of the demonstrators are only get from the Youth centre a hundred meters.


The police have inserted the Swedish cars, they had to borrow, when a part of their own cars was damaged yesterday under fights.


There are burning containers in Blågårdsgade


Police and fire-fighting service are on Nørre All� here. The demonstrators are spread-out in Nørrebro.


The demonstration is now spread-out at large parts of Indre Nørrebro. There are burning barricades more places, among other things in the cross Guldbergsgade and Møllegade.


Pole JOINity hunts for activists on foot at Blågårdsgade.


A division of police officers is on the way against the burning barricades on Nørre All� on foot.

01:27 Further two eye witnesses report to Modkraft that the police shot gas and hit forward with vehicles the demonstrators, while they dissolved the demonstraton. There was no break between those actions. The two eye witnesses, whose identities are Modkraft well-known, have also seen a police officer, who threw stone against demonstrators.

The police officer was at the corner of Elmegade/Guldbergsgade. He was in war uniform. The witnesses saw him pick up a paving stone up and throw it against a not identified goal.


It earlier mentioned lifeless demonstrator is now carried into an ambulance. He is conscious, but bleeds from wounds in the head, Modkraft's reporter reports.


The demonstrators are gathered on and about Nørre All�. They have built barricades of among other things cars and have set them on fire. There are many in the area, when it isn't possible to leave the place because of the police's surrounding.

Politiken writes that the police attacked, because they'd prevent the demonstration in going for the Youth centre. Three of Modkraft's envoys agree about that the police didn't give the demonstrators a warning to leave the place, when they broke up the demonstration.


Mod-strength's envoy saw the before mentioned demonstrator lie lifeless on the roadway. He reports that they threw as much tear gas that it was impossible to see, what did happen with concerned. "It was impossible to pull the weather and to see", he reports. The police's dissolution of the gathering was followed up with massive use by gas within a minute after, so that demonstrators didn't a minute get going away.


The police's attack happened very quickly. The demonstration was broken up, and pole JOINity advanced forward from all side streets to Skt. Hans Torv at the same time, and would apparently press the demonstration at Fælledvej. The demonstrators retorted again with Molotov cocktails and stones. The police's have thrown large quantities of gas in the area about Skt. Hans Torv.


The demonstrators run away all roads away from Skt Hans Torv that is covered by tear gas. T witness tells to Modkraft that near Elmegade was an unconscious demonstrator on the lane, while one of the police's Dutchman-cars is in flames.


There is thrown tear gas,. Demonstrators retort again with stone. There has been panic, since demonstrators have tried to escape.


The police have attacked the demonstration. There are the throw Molotov cocktails and the police attack from all pages at the same time.


The police stay on distance of the demonstration on Skt. Hans Torv. There are many masked demonstrators. The police strike that there are between 1.500 and 2.000 activists on the street, Politiken writes.


Watch a video at YouTube from the ongoing demonstration at Nørreport Station. The video is from hrs. about 23: 50. Watch a video


There is festive atmosphere on Skt. Hans Torv, where it danced and shouted slogans. The demonstration doesn't look like to move further. The police have reopened too ordinary traffic at Nørrebrogade.

Demonstration Friday evening. Near Nørreport Photo: Martin Brandt/Monsoon 00.32 Norwegian activists will again demonstrate tomorrow - this time in Bergen.

00:11 The demonstration from Gammeltorv was a mobile pirate radio party in memory of the pirate radio that has sent from the Youth centre since December 16.. They were dancing, and even though the atmosphere is very intense, it isn't so suppressed as yesterday. The police stay on some distance of the demonstration.

23: 57 The demonstration now is at Nørrebrogade only short way from Skt. Hans Torv, from where there is cut out demonstration at midnight - during the countersign "follow the green colour". The demonstration has grown to about 1.500 people and the atmosphere is very intense.

23: 32 The traffic is cordonned off the police near Nørrebros Runddel. The traffic is round conducted Nørrebrogade.

23: 21 Scarcely 1.000 demonstrators are about Israels Plads with direction against Nørrebro. The atmosphere is energetic and positive, tell Modkraft's envoys.

22: 45 About 800 demonstrators move at Nørregade in Indre By.

23: 37 The Danish Udenrigsministeriium informs that there have been at least 50 actions abroad in support of the Youth centre. That is what the boss of the Ministry's safety office, Niel's Boel Abrahamsen says, for Ritzau. Most actions have happened in Europe, while a handful has happened outside Europe, he informs.

23: 15 Polish activists have demonstrated and taken action in Poznan,Warsaw and Wroclaw in solidarity with the Youth centre and the activists that have been jailed. At least two Polish activists are jailed in Denmark. The activists delivered among other things a protest letter to the Danish embassy, in which it appeared that "the something's rat in the stall of Denmark."

22: 29 The demonstration that is gathered on oldly Square in it Indre Copenhagen, makes up between 500 and 1.000 people at present time and several put more. The atmosphere is energetic, Those present shout, make a noise and dance for the music, Modkraft's envoys reports.

21: 10 DR's TV-Avis estimate that the troubles after the clearing of the youth centre course-rigging have cost the taxpayers 7,4 mill. of DKK in lost earnings, pay-expenses for police, vandalism and clean up.

21: 05 klly. 13.00 today there were solidarity demonstration in Dublin, Ireland outside the Danish embassy. The demonstrators brought music with the Danish punk band of=�119 that is originated in Ungdomshuset's music stage. The embassy locked the doors of the embassy and sent for the police.

20: 51 The arrests in Malm� are criticised powerfully at the Swedish news portal . They write that arrests of three activists in an Aktivitetscenter are based on the seizure of developer material from a darkroom. The evoke-liquid has ostensibly been shown the too Swedish press about proof of that activists had inflammable materials that they'd use for unlawful acts in Copenhagen.

20: 40 They plan actions from the venstrefløjs-environment in Svendborg. To TV2/Funen activists say that the clearing of the Youth centre has made an impression a big. "People are frustrated, sour and sad. There are all sorts of mixed emotions."

20: 32 Several Danish media write that three Swedish men have been arrested in Malm�. The three are according to the temporary information from Ritzau suspected of to break the law about explosives and inflammable materials. The three are under arrest in Norra Gr�ngesbergsgatan in Malm�, and Danish media write that the three had planned participation in troubles in Copenhagen.

20: 25 Jutlandic and Funen police officers stay in Copenhagen as long as, there is use for it, detective says. But extra work gives problems with the holding of holiday and lieu days.

The day before the clearing of the Youth centre, on February 28., there put police officers to Copenhagen from other parts of the country. At the many troubles after the clearing it was the police ready that they were to have reinforcement. Therefore police officers from among other things Esbjerg, Odense and Aalborg were sent on Thursday evening. And the Jutlandic and Funen police officers must stay in Copenhagen so long, there is use for it. That is what says Svend Erik Larsen, who is a detective for the readiness near South and Sønderjyllands Police. There have sent served to Copenhagen from all police precincts in the country.

That can will cost planned lieu days and holiday for the police officers. That tells leader's-detective's Knud Stadsgaard fortune from middle and Vestjyllands Police according to DR regions.

20: 18 The meeting that was to start at 19 in Folkets Hus in Stengade, has gone into action.

The house has filled with human beings, and also outside stands more a hundred people that weren't any space for indoor. They are playing music and had a pleasant time outside.

There are no visible police in the area.

19:47 At the Finnish capital Helsinki 70 activists have made speeches and hung banners up at the town's large railway station from protest against the clearing of the Youth centre. The banners carry among other things a the Dannebrog and the word "fuck" ahead. Watch photos from Helsinki

18:58 Swedish police raid an activity house in Malm�. The police will give some explanation on its entry in the house, but a spring says that it probably hangs together with the troubles from Copenhagen.

There are about 20 activists outside the activity house, but none but the police at the premises.

Aktivitetshuset is a room on Norra Gr�ngesbergsgatan at an industrial district in Malm�. Besides adding spaces to recordings of punk music, the house is also used for social and political activities.

18:49 According to DR Danish police borrow twenty vehicles of their Swedish colleagues. The cars are however supplied with Danish license plates and police officers, when they are put in use in Copenhagen, Politiken writes.

The decision is according to Commissioner of Police Torsten Hesselbjerg that the situation is "serious and extraordinary", but refuses that it is? Something crisis-like at situation one", as if he words it.

18:37 There have been happenings and actions more places in Europe today in support of the Youth centre in Copenhagen. In Istanbul twenty activists have today protested outside the Danish consulate. Watch picture

Activists from the small Swedish town of Umeå inform to Modkraft that demonstrated 50 activists during the countersign "Your fight is our fight".

17:22 The police's braking of the parade out to Vestre Fængsel, it has disintegrated. That had also shrunk on the road.

In return there now thinks be groups, who gather about Blågårds Plads. A the at once spring strikes that there now are about 100 people present.

On Ungdomshuset's homepage three activities are knocked up for Friday:

& klly. 19.00 Great-meeting for activists in Folkets Park, & Hrs. 22.00 Street party from Gammeltorv to Sankt Hans Torv with DJ? S and live music know Sort Stue. & Hrs. 24.00 Demonstration from Sankt Hans Torv. The youth centre writes that the demonstration is to check "the concept; Follow the green flag".

17:00 The little parade from Blågårdsgade moves against Vestre Fængsel. It now is on H.C. Ørstedsvej.

The police have followed the parade closely, and have now standed it. The police officers have started to control person piece of informations and identity on the participants in the demonstration.

16:45 A smaller flock of demonstants moves with slogans about peace down Blågårdsgade against Åboulevarden. There are about 30 demonstrators and they are followed close by three police cars. Watch pictures

16:25 About 50 demonstrators have gathered themselves in front of Blegdamsvejen's prison, where several arrested from farm-agens events are.

Everything is in calm, and the police have apparently stopped up with controlling people on Sankt Hans Torv that lies quite near, again.

16:17 The youth centre is risen again? In Second Life on the internet. The new virtual house has been put besides TV2 New's electronic counterpart? Because the Youth centre is still source to the television-station's main news.

Visit the youth centre at Second Life See here!

15:57 The Solidaritet-action, where activists removed commercials from bus standards in Århus at night, can now be seen on the video homepage youtube. Watch a video

15:52 Even though a lot has returned of the everyday life to Nørrebro, the police are still strong present in the area. Sources inform that police officers have started to check pedestrians on Sankt Hans Torv.

The occupation of the Social Democrats' party headquarters on Danasvej has stopped. The demonstrators left the house after a couple of hours' stays. It happened under completely calm conditions and without the police's intervention.

14:46 The Social Democrats have commanded the activists that have gone in on their party office on Danasvej in Frederiksberg, "welcome". They haven't taken initiative to an expulsion.

There are therefore still about 10 activists in the house and 20 outside.

Helle Thorning Schmidt, has been on lightning visit at the office, have however according to a contact the at once to have said that she thought activists had to go out.

- The Social Democrats' "welcome" covers probably also mostly that they can see the situation's seriousness, a number person of the taking action says.

Nevertheless the activists add up to negotiations.

? We have offered that we'll negotiate with both the Social Democrats and the local authority about finding a new house, the number person says.

14:30 Masked construction workers are emptying the Youth centre on Jagtvej, write The cause of the masking is that the workers won't be recognised.

At the same time several SMS-chains are started with names of the companies, they suppose to work in the house.

The handymans' work happens under strong police guard. Curious are asked leaving the area.

A large removal van has run up in front of the house and there more cars sides with cranes.

The construction works are on with throwing milk-boxes, malings-bins, furniture and barricades out.

The things that the users have left in the property, are also removed. Politiken writes that the young ones have to do claims to them on the other side the owner, Faderkirken.

? We have only taken the things that have an evidence-related value, the spokesman for Københavns Politi, Flemming Steen Munch says, to Politiken.

14:03 Citizen group for the Youth centre holds on tight in the plan for completing a demonstration on Saturday March 3.. The demonstration originates from two places: Christiania and Enghave Plads 14:00.00, both places with start 14:00.00. The two parades meet at the City hall square at 15. The demonstration is peaceful. Newspaper announcement

12:41 "We do not leave the building, before there is the find a solution", it says from the action group for Frustrerede Københavnere, who has obsessed Socialdemokratiet's head office, and that insists on a youth centre in Copenhagen now, according to DR/Copenhagen.

12:34 Made activists advertising action for the Youth centre overnight. Newspaper announcement

12:19 Per Larsen from Københavns Politi reports for DR that 75 out of the temporarily in all 217 arrested are today to be produced at preliminary examinations. 34 people - that all were in the ungdonmshus, when the police raided it - are arrested for 27 days.

12:09 The Social Democrats' party office on Danasvej has been occupied by act-ists. The office is the Social Democrats' head office in Copenhagen. A spokeswoman of the activists states the reason for the occupation with that politicians to sight-loadingly still haven't understood that the problems about the youth centre are political.

? The reason for the occupation is that it clearly hasn't sunk in in with politicians that this is a political problem. That we'll highlight by occupying a political batch's building, an activist says to TV2 News.

12:03 There were demonstrations and actions at twenty German towns yesterday in solidarity with the Youth centre. Read more on

11:02 The police in Copenhagen have asked for several police officers in police precincts in the rest of the country, among other things from Northern Jutland, where at the 22-time Thursday evening was sent two busloads of police officers away to Copenhagen. Also from South-Eastern Jutland's police precinct have afforded staff "in order to help them, now where they have been badly crowded", Sydøstjyllands Politi detective Jørgen Hoxer says Sydøstjyllands Politi for DR/Trekanten.

MARCH 1[edit]

23: 41 A back building in Blågårdsgade has just been occupied. The area is full of police, thus it hardly is probable that the occupation can for a long time last.

On the other hand the police are still busyly occupied with restlessness in more places at the quarter. There are just now fires in Bragesgade, on Blågårds Plads and at Nørrebrogade. Police with drop-gas masks here precisely repressed a group of demonstrators, who continued to pelt material on the barricade-fire out for Blågårdsgade.

23: 23 The mourn-parade is got to Folkets Park, where the demonstrators just got possibility to put flowers at the coffins.

The demonstration is ebbing away away, but a spring says the atmosphere among the demonstrators easily can lead to more activity.

The barricade building activity and the fire-påsættelse of trash containers are again blazed up at Nørrebrogade near Blågårdsgade - for 6-7. Maybe 8. time in the evening.

The editing of now finishes its "live-covering" of the activities about the clearing of the Youth centre.

At curtain falls can be however informed that it not only is in Aalborg that there has been support-demonstration in favour of the Youth centre during the day, but also in Århus, where about 200 demonstrators met forward.

23: 22 There still are burning cars more places on Christianshavn.

23: 21 They put on the lights fires and gathers paving stones about Folkets Park, where the organisers of the funeral march have broken up the demonstration, Politiken writes.

23: 02 Police set up in the side streets decide apparently where the mourn-parade has to move over. The parade is now swung down Griffenfeldsgade and approaches Folkets Park that in advance was stated as a destination for the demonstration.

22: 52 Torch- and the funeral procession have by police cars been forced to turn away from Jagtvej. The parade came to Jagtvej at Ågade, and is now curved in against a centre of the town again at Ranzausgade. It's uncertain where the demonstration ends.

Far more police are now visible about the demonstration.

22: 40 The mourn-parade starts to approach Jagtvej at Ågade. The demonstration fills the whole roadway and makes up about 1.000 people, a spring in the demonstration informs.

22: 15 The mourn-parade has grown on its road out against Nørrebro. A spring, who estimated the number of demonstrators at 200 a short time ago, thinks that it has now grown to over 700. The demonstration moves now out of Åboulevarden.

22: 11 About a couple of a hundred people have gathered themselves for a funeral procession that has just started from Rådhuspladsen. Many demonstrators have torches and there are three coffins along in the parade. One of the coffins has painted on the word "freedom of expression", a "freedom" and the last "multiplicity". The demonstration moves at Vester Voldgade in direction against Nørrebro.

There aren't very visible police about the demonstration that however is also declared non-violent.

In Nørrebro the police still tidy up in the barricades that continue to rise again in the quarter. Just now the police are active with that distant bike from the cross near Blågårdsgade and Nørrebrogade.

21: 56 Visitors at the public house Caf� Blågårds Apotek on Blågårds Plads report that the police still keep the visitors back off leaving the place. Some minutes ago some police officers came in on the public house and attracted along a couple of accidental visitors out on the street - to sight-lettingly accidental and aimlessly.

21: 53 The police are removing burning cars and containers in side streets to Torvegade in Chrstianshavn.

21: 51 A bigger police force has arrived to Christianshavn, where there are fires in more side streets to Torvegade.

21: 49 TV2 inform that people from Faderhuset have inspected the Youth centre today. Leader of Faderhuset, Ruth Evensen, has now to decide whether the building is to be torn down. Ruth Evensen pronounces about the riots: "I think it's scary that it can happen in Denmark." ( Source: Ruth Evensen in DR.)

21: 48 Street fighting still around rolls on Nørrebro. Not as intensive fights, but re-Vapour small movable groups all around in the quarter. They build fires and throw paving stones on the police's cars, when they turn up. When the police try to rush the groups, they step down back and start up new actions other places.

It isn't only inflammable material that has been used for the barricade building activity during the evening. Also bicycles have been put out on the streets in order to put hindrances in the road for the police's mobility at the quarter.

After the five preliminary examinations that are got through, everybody have been arrested for 27 days, DR informs.

21: 43 Torvegade is blocked at princess street. There are burning cars near Christiania.

21: 38 Support-demonstration for the Youth centre in Aalborg Read more

21: 32 According to DR a 18-year kninde and a 36-year man have been arrested for among other things violence against the police. The police inform that in all 160 people have been arrested so far.

20: 45 Blue flames still up in more places in Nørrebro. Just now there is restlessness in the area about Sankt Hansgade and Ravnsborggade. It's small groups, who set on fire fires and fire maroons.

The police have left several of it places, where there earlier have been fires, for instance at Nørrebrogade near Blågårdsgade. New fires are set on fire several by these places.

On Blågårds Plads the bar guests have at Caf� Blågårds Apotek been locked up. Visit that have tried to leave the place, have from the police got order on going in on the public house again. The public house lies in an area, where there are large quantities of tear gas, the visitors complain about the genes.

20: 14 The restlessness in Nørrebro thinks to subside off. The police have more places gone into action with tidying up after fires and barricades with braendslukningmateriel and bulldozers.

There however still are burning barricades several places, for instance in Blågårdsgade at the place, where there possibly are riots brewing.

There have also arisen fires new places, among other things on Jagtvej at the border to Frederiksberg and near Nørrebrogade. Here there in return not not very many people.

Cars have more places been dragged out on the roadways. In Frederik den 7.'s Street two cars have been also overturned.

19:28 Police cars gather themselves now in the side streets for Nørrebrogade about Griffenfeldsgade.

The police invitation to leave the streets must be understood like a curfew, a representative of the Youth centre says.

The police meddelels over loud speaker-cars that stone throws will be answered with tear gas. The youth centre has on its Homepage , How you has to relate yourself health-relatedly, if one is exposed to tear gas.

There evolve now street fighting at Nørrebrogade near Blågårdsgade. The police have taken dogs out off cars and look like to be ready to insert them. The police try to press the demonstrators down Blågårdsgade. There is thrown tear gas.

19:10 The police's cars now run around and encourage people disappearing from the streets with reference to the constitution and the dissolution of crowds. The area on will be cleared, is called it.

Garbage cans from Blågårdsgade have been set on fire with fire and driven down on Nørrebrogade, where a barricade is built up by the buckets.

There are street fighting about Griffenfeldsgade at Nørrebrogade. The police have thrown tear gas. Also about Griffenfeldsgade there also is used tear gas.

18:57 Activists have built barricades on Nørrebrogade out for Griffenfeldsgade. They throw stones against the police. Demonstrators that have been pressed by the police's advance against the barricades, have run away down of Griffenfeldsgade.

A couple of a hundred farther down are also gathered demonstrators about small-barricades with fires.

18:43 There are burning barricades at Stengade. In return there are only very few human beings. They have apparently left the street. Three Dutchman-cars have just arrived to the street.

There also are burning barricades at Nørrebrogade between Kapelvej and Stengade.

Demonstrators think spread-outly round in the quarter. And sources report that the police the police small groups of demonstrators in the alleys at hunt for Nørre Alle. They also gather in the deceased person's properties after the demonstrators.

At Nørrebrogade the police's Dutchman-cars and dressed for war police officers again close in the road to the City - as well as the entrance to Blågårdsgade.

18:32 Activists have built barricades after the dissolution of common-demonstrations in on Fælledvej. They have attacked the police with bottles and stones.

They have after that according to eye witnesses been pressed up against Sankt Hans Torv, where they still further are up Nørre All�.

18:22 Sources out at the Youth centre report that a couple of a hundred demonstrators have gathered themselves in front of the police's chains. Here are everything calm.

Demonstrators from the demonstrator ion are shut up at Nørrebrogade a couple of a hundred meter up against the town - outside Sjællandsgade.

18:16 The large demonstration is according to sources the at once to have been spread in at least three groups. The group almost the Youth centre passes of a couple of a hundred activists that are to have been locked up up the police.

18:10 Demonstrators have apparently spread out in the quarter. About Sjællandsgade and Guldbergsgade more groups go about.

Dutchman-cars also circle in the area and more places round places been attacked by activists. Prinsesse Charlottesgade has to have been blocked with dogs.

18:05 The police have distributed the demonstration up in two at Nørrebrogade from Assisten's cemetery. Police officers have put themselves among the two parts.

In megaphones the police ask the demonstrators standing calm, and that they inform that they'll give one part of the demonstration a new route.

They throw maroons against the police.

17:55 The demonstration from Blågårds Plads has developed into troubles. Sources in connection with the demonstration report that demonstrators have thrown with paint and bottle-feed out at Nørrebrogade for Peter Fabersgade. Politiken writes that the police have again retorted with tear gas.

17:32 Several thousand demonstrators move at Nørrebrogade against Jagtvej.

17:22 The demonstration is in movement against Nørrebrogade. Nørrebrogade is cordonned off the police in direction against city.

17:04 Shortly after the police announce that the demonstration is broken up, police cars are ready to drive in in front of in front of Blågårdsgade near Nørrebrogade and Åboulevarden. The demonstration looks in this way like to be locked up. Blågårds Plads is at the same time more than filled with demonstrators. There are people a long way down of Blågårdsgade.

16:59 A less group of police officers has via megaphones announced that the demonstration on Blågårds Plads is broken up. At the same time a demonstration from Christiania is just got to the place.

16:37 A demonstration moves just now down Gothersgade. The demonstration comes from Christiania, where activists have taken action more times during the day. The demonstration is about 500 demonstrators and is on the way against Blågårds Plads, where a bigger demonstration starts at 17.00. There are already gathered many demonstrators on the place.

16:14 They prepare solidarity demonstrations in many places, among other things in Germany. See the temporary list

16:06 "The clearing passed completely according to plan, and therefore I do not think that it's particularly pleasant to see the media parboil this to a gigantic violent showdown". Thus Minister of Justice Lene Espersen says to Politiken. She thinks that both media, activists and citizens ought to relate themselves quietly.

16:02 The Reclaim The Streets-demonstration has now arrived to Blågårds Plads in Nørrebro.

15:40 About 200 demonstrators go in Indre By at Vester Voldgade to direction against Nørrebro. They come from Rådhuspladsen and are a part of the Reclaim The Streets-demonstration. Watch pictures

15:11 They plan demonstration in Aalborg and other bigger towns at 17.00 in protest against the clearing.

15:10 The bell about 14.00 informs the police's spokesman to among other things Politiken that 90 people have been arrested during the day.

15:06 The police still control pedestrians and cyclists near Dronning Louises Bro in Nørrebro. People that the police find suspicious, have to document that they have a business or live in Nørrebro in order to come into the quarter. That is what Modkraft's envoys learns.

15:03 Demonstration in protest against the clearing of the Youth centre goes from Christiania at 16.00 to Blågårds Plads in Nørrebro, where it's already called in for protest demonstration.

15:02 The Reclaim the Streets-demonstration now is near Storkespringvandet on main shopping street in Indre By.

14:59 Sorrow group call ins for torch parades Read more here

14:43 The Reclaim The Streets-demonstration has now become more about 300 people that are started running in direction against main shopping street.

14:42 It's rumoured that VUC in Hvidovre and on Amager has those students struck in protest against the clearing of the Youth centre.

14:30 It advertised Reclaim The Street's demonstration that started 14:00. from Israels Plads in Copenhagen, have just blocked the cross at Nørreport Station in inner town. That is about about 100 activists who have sat down on the lane and now the police's arrival waits for.

14:25 According to an anonymous engine driver with DSB S-trains have all engine drivers just got message on informing the police if they see? Activist-like types? In the trains. The engine driver contacted because he didn't think that it was a reasonable demand, neither on the other side activists nor engine drivers.

14:19 30 activists from "Feminister for flere fristeder" have just blocked Amagerbrogade, where they have made a noise and stopped, speak to support for the Youth centre.

13:58 At 14.00 o'clock there is Reclaim the Streets-demonstration from Israels Plads.

13:49 In Stengade in Nørrebro the gaming site has Stengade 30 set up a pavilion tent, from where they distribute tea, coffee and juice. They have set up a sign, after which there stands "Police! You have a choice!"

13:40 Photos from blockades and Folkets Hus. See here

13:33 According to among other things Politiken, Ruth Evensen, leader of Faderhuset have, later today to inspect the Youth centre. Here she has to decide whether the building is to be torn down. The police do evidently ready for a longterm stay, when they are installing mobile toilets for the police officers near Jagtvej.

13:25 From Søtorvet/Dronning Louise's bridge is rumoured it from Modkraft's photographer that the police have extended their control of the entrance road to Nørrebro, to also including motorists. Furthermore pedestrians and cyclists are now appointed, stopped, searched and after that believed access to Nørrebro without additional explanations. When Modkraft's photographer tried to come back on the editorial staff via the bridge he was turned away in defiance of that he validly showed press cards. When the photographer insisted on being able to pass and do his work he was asked going away. The police officer refused to announce his name. This is a clear offence against the rules that give correctly the owner of a press card to pass a police blockade unless there is talk of a turbulent situation. Furthermore the press always has claims to managing to announce the police's names and service numbers in a situation where they deny them possibility to cover a concrete event. Alternatively the responsible police officer can the at once be contacted, but Modkraft's photographer was asked instantly disappearing, which he after that chose to do. See more here

13:18 Demands for the urgent call of Borgerrepræsentationen. Read more

12:50 Sources inform that activists on his way to Copenhagen from among other things Skanderborg and Århus are stopped by the police. It has happened for activists in trains and in a car.

12:31 It's rumoured from witnesses that the police have started on systematically stopping and search people who are on the way on foot or on a bicycle in direction over Dronning Louises Bro against Nørrebro. From Nørrebros Runddel it's rumoured that there are just now calm roligt, but that the area is still held in an iron grip by the police.

12:08 The police have barred Søtorvet/Dronning Louises Bro for all traffic out against Nørrebro. It's still partly open for traffic in against the town. Also the public traffic is violently tormented by the troubles, quite a few bus routes are changed, while others are tormented by cancellations and delays because of the extensive blockades all around at the town. It's rumoured in several places from activists that they is met by furious and aggressive motorists they reach block the traffic, at the latest in connection with a blockade on Åboulevarden where several motorists threw with things against the demonstrators.

At forum of metro station there is just dissolved a blockade with skips and bicycle stands. About 30 activists were hunted away from the place of the police.

11:32 The police have gone into "Folkets Hus" that lies near Folkets Park in Nørrebro. Folkets Hus is an user-controlled village hall. In defiance of protests and demands for seeing a search warrant, the police officers were in possession of not eight entered dressed for war police officers into the village hall. The police officers however disappeared again, when all doors inside the house were locked.

11:00 Following are an eye witness-description from a journalist from DR? S new nesses: "About 20 meters from the MCDonalds restaurant on Runddelen had activists built barricades across Nørrebrogade. klly. About 9.25 comes the police driving in 3-4 transits in order through that clearing Nørrebrogade. One of the transits directly runs into a demonstrator who falls backwards down on the driver-track and stays in bed with the legs in under the car. He is after that arrested and come along. It's uncertain what subsequently happened with the run over activist. Didn't the police succeed in clearing the street, the barricades were shortly afterwards rebuilded and they put fire to garbage and containers". From witnesses in the local area it's rumoured that there now are about 1.500 activists on the street in protest against the clearing of the Youth centre. Pictures from 11:00

10.38 15 activists have been arrested in Folkets Park in Nørrebro.

10.20 There are burning containers that block Torvegade near Christiania.

10.16 The police do ready to clear barricades at Nørrebrogade

10.05 There are actions different places. Activists have spread. Before the clearing it said that there would be actions everywhere. Among other things "Feminister for flere fristeder" has made blockades 12 different places at the town. Newspaper announcement

9.49 About hundred to 150 activists still try to build barricades over Nørrebrogade. The police remove the barricades by hitting them with their cars. Those present activists are angry and frustrated.

9.33 Nørrebros Runddel is cleared of activists. It's comparatively quietly, but there are many activists in the quarter. The atmosphere is the pressure. Temporarily there are made about 20 arrests, is rumoured it from Modkraft's envoys.

8.41 The police arrest people on Runddelen. There are pushing and pushing between activists and police.

8.34 The police clear Nørrebros Runddel and start to arrest presently, there won't go away. Watch pictures here

8.31 Number persons from the Youth centre maintain that the plan in connection with the clearing is that pillars of the house have to turn up in the local area. Tomorrow there is protest demonstration at 17.00 from Blågårds Plads and the day after it there is action day.

8.19 About 100 of Ungdomshuset's pillars tries to break through the police's barrings on Jagtvej near Runddelen. There are about 15 of the so-called Dutchman-cars and ten transits present. And the gathering is now by the police declared "dissolved in the queen's name".

8.15 The Assistens cemetery on the other side the Youth centre is cleared of human beings by the police.

8.10 According to sources from the Youth centre the police have put into the house right about 7:00.00. The police's action has gone very fast. They appreciate that it has taken about five minutes for the police to come into the house through a container on since of the house, from where they are broken in through a window or the wall and by putting police officers of the top of the roof. From the youth centre it sounds that "as long as there isn't a youth centre, there is a fight for a youth centre!" Two ambulances have run from the Youth centre. Brought up to date at 11.00

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